Recruitment Rules

Sl No. Type Of RR Rank Group Cadre Notification No Date Description Click Here To View
1 Finalized B Pioneer No-650 (GSR No. 799(E) DTD 15.11.2021) 15-Nov-2021

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Pioneer Cadre (Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2021.

2 Finalized C CM 653 (GSR NO. 802(E) DTD 03.11.2021 03-Nov-2021

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant (Ministerial and Stenographer Cadre) Group 'C' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2021

3 Finalized C Stenographer 653 (GSR NO. 802(E) DTD 03.11.2021 03-Nov-2021

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant (Ministerial and Stenographer Cadre) Group 'C' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2021

4 Finalized A GD 223 (GSR NO. 280(E) DTD 16.04.2021) 16-Apr-2021

Notification of corrigendum of Recruitment Rules 2020 of Additional Director General (General Duty) of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

5 Finalized A Pioneer 330 (GSR NO. 414 DTD 27.05.2021) 16-Jun-2021

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Assistant Commandant (Pioneer), Group ‘A’ Post, Recruitment Rules, 2021

6 Finalized A GD 446 (GSR NO. 552 DTD 11.09.2020) 11-Sep-2020

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Additional Director General (General Duty) Recruitment Rules 2020

7 Finalized A Accounts 269 (GSR NO. 348 DTD 04.06.2020) 04-Jun-2020

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Deputy Commandant(Accounts Officer) Recruitment Rules, 2020.

8 Finalized A Telecom 280 (GSR NO. 337(E) DTD 29.04.2019) 29-Apr-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2019

9 Finalized A Legal 257 (GSR NO. 308(E) DTD 16.04.2019 16-Apr-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Judge Attorney General, Additional Judge Attorney General, Deputy Judge Attorney General and Judge Attorney Group 'A' Posts Recruitment and Conditions of Service Rules, 2019.

10 Finalized B Veterinary No-161(GSR NO. 181 DTD 06.03.2019) 06-Mar-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Veterinary Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts Recruitment Rules, 2019.

11 Finalized C Veterinary No-161(GSR NO. 181 DTD 06.03.2019) 06-Mar-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Veterinary Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts Recruitment Rules, 2019.

12 Finalized A Water Wing 221 (GSR NO. 248(E) DTD 29.03.2019) 29-Mar-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Water Wing ( Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Technical Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2019.

13 Finalized B Water Wing 221 (GSR NO. 248(E) DTD 29.03.2019) 29-Mar-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Water Wing ( Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Technical Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2019.

14 Finalized B Llibrarian 96 (GSR NO. 112 DTD 12.02.2019) 13-Feb-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Inspector (Librarian), Group ‘B’ Post, Recruitment Rules, 2019.

15 Finalized B Armourer 71 (GSR NO. 85(E) DTD 31.01.2019 31-Jan-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Armourer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2019

16 Finalized C Armourer 71 (GSR NO. 85(E) DTD 31.01.2019 31-Jan-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Armourer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2019

17 Finalized A Armourer No-70 (GSR NO. 84(E) DTD 31.01.2019) 31-Jan-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Armourer Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2019

18 Finalized B Printing Press No-820 (GSR NO. 1119 DTD 15.11.2018) 16-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Publication and Printing Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2018.

19 Finalized C Printing Press No-820 (GSR NO. 1119 DTD 15.11.2018) 16-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Publication and Printing Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2018.

20 Finalized B Civil Staff No-821 (GSR NO. 1120 DTD 15.11.2018) 16-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Private Secretary, Section Officer and Assistant, Group 'B' posts, Recruitment Rules 2018.

21 Finalized A EDP No-815 (GSR NO. 1114(E) 14.11.2018) 14-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Electronic Data Processing Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2018

22 Finalized A Transport No-814 (GSR NO. 1113(E) DTD 14.11.2018) 14-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Transport Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2018

23 Finalized A AT No-802 (GSR NO. 1099 DTD 01.11.2018) 12-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Animal Transport Cadre group 'A' & 'B' Posts, Recruitment Rules 2018

24 Finalized B AT No-802 (GSR NO. 1099 DTD 01.11.2018) 12-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Animal Transport Cadre group 'A' & 'B' Posts, Recruitment Rules 2018

25 Finalized A Telecom No-813 (GSR NO. 1112DTD 14.11.2018) 14-Nov-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2018

26 Finalized A GD No-728 (GSR NO. 1018(E) DTD 01.10.2018 10-Oct-2018

Notification of Corrigendum of GD Cadre group 'A' posts,Recruitment Rules 2018

27 Finalized C Edn and Stress Councellor No-540 (GSR NO. 739 DTD 03.08.2018) 03-Aug-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, ESC group 'C' Posts, Recruitment Rules 2018

28 Finalized A Engineering No-383 (GSR NO. 531(E) DTD 07.06.2018) 07-Jun-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Inspector General (Engineer), Group 'A' Post, Recruitment Rules 2018

29 Finalized C AT No-727 (GSR NO. 1017 DTD 09.10.2018) 09-Oct-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Head Constable and Constable Animal Transport Cadre (Group ‘C’ post) Recruitment Rules, 2018.

30 Finalized C CM No-458 (GSR NO. 619(E) DTD 04.07.2018) 04-Jul-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant (Ministerial and Stenographer Cadre) Group 'C' Posts Recruitment Rules, 2018

31 Finalized C Stenographer No-458 (GSR NO. 619(E) DTD 04.07.2018) 04-Jul-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant (Ministerial and Stenographer Cadre) Group 'C' Posts Recruitment Rules, 2018

32 Finalized C Follower No-433 (GSR NO. 591 DTD 25.06.2018) 28-Jun-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Constable (Water Carrier, Safai Karamchari, Cook, Washerman and Barber), Group ‘C’ Posts Recruitment Rules, 2018.

33 Finalized A GD No-485 (GSR 655 (E) DTD 17.07.2018) 17-Jul-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2018

34 Finalized B OL No-724 (GSR NO. 1014 DTD 10.10.2018) 10-Oct-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Hindi Translators, Group ‘B’ Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2018.

35 Finalized A OL No-726 (GSR NO. 1016 DTD 09.10.2018) 10-Oct-2018

Indo- Tibetan Border Police Force, Deputy Commandant (Official Language) and Assistant Commandant (Official Language), Group ‘A’ Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2018.

36 Finalized B Follower No-725 (GSR NO. 1015 DTD 04.10.2018) 10-Oct-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts Recruitment Rules, 2018.

37 Finalized C Follower No-725 (GSR NO. 1015 DTD 04.10.2018) 10-Oct-2018

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts Recruitment Rules, 2018.

38 Finalized A Office No-44 (GSR NO. 63(E) DTD 03.02.2012 03-Feb-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Deputy Commandant (Office) and Deputy Commandant (Principal Private Secretary) Group 'A' Posts Recruitment Rules, 2011

39 Finalized A Stenographer No-44 (GSR NO. 63(E) DTD 03.02.2012 03-Feb-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Deputy Commandant (Office) and Deputy Commandant (Principal Private Secretary) Group 'A' Posts Recruitment Rules, 2011

40 Finalized B CM No-259 (GSR NO. 392 DTD 20.05.2011) 20-May-2011

notification to ITBP Force,CM and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group'B' and'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules,2011.

41 Finalized B Stenographer No-259 (GSR NO. 392 DTD 20.05.2011) 20-May-2011

notification to ITBP Force,CM and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group'B' and'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules,2011.

42 Finalized C CM No-259 (GSR NO. 392 DTD 20.05.2011) 20-May-2011

notification to ITBP Force,CM and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group'B' and'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules,2011.

43 Finalized C Stenographer No-259 (GSR NO. 392 DTD 20.05.2011) 20-May-2011

notification to ITBP Force,CM and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group'B' and'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules,2011.

44 Finalized A Office No-260 (GSR NO. 393 DTD 20. 05.2011 20-May-2011

Notification to ITBP Force, AC (Office) and AC (Staff Officer)(Group'A' Posts) Recruitment(Amendment) Rules,2011.

45 Finalized B CM No-704 (GSR NO. 1017(E) DTD 28.12.2010) 28-Dec-2010

Corrigendum to ITBP CM and Stenographer (Group 'B' and 'C" posts)Recruitment Rules 2010

46 Finalized B Stenographer No-704 (GSR NO. 1017(E) DTD 28.12.2010) 28-Dec-2010

Corrigendum to ITBP CM and Stenographer (Group 'B' and 'C" posts)Recruitment Rules 2010

47 Finalized C CM No-704 (GSR NO. 1017(E) DTD 28.12.2010) 28-Dec-2010

Corrigendum to ITBP CM and Stenographer (Group 'B' and 'C" posts)Recruitment Rules 2010

48 Finalized C Stenographer No-704 (GSR NO. 1017(E) DTD 28.12.2010) 28-Dec-2010

Corrigendum to ITBP CM and Stenographer (Group 'B' and 'C" posts)Recruitment Rules 2010

49 Finalized A Office No-260 (GSR NO. 414 DTD 18.05.2010) 18-May-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, AC(Office) and AC(Staff officer) Group 'A' Stenographer Posts Recruitment Rules, 2010

50 Finalized B CM No-172 (GSR NO. 287(E) DTD 06.04.2010) 06-Apr-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant Ministerial and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2010

51 Finalized B Stenographer No-172 (GSR NO. 287(E) DTD 06.04.2010) 06-Apr-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant Ministerial and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2010

52 Finalized C CM No-172 (GSR NO. 287(E) DTD 06.04.2010) 06-Apr-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant Ministerial and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2010

53 Finalized C Stenographer No-172 (GSR NO. 287(E) DTD 06.04.2010) 06-Apr-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant Ministerial and Combatant Stenographer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2010

54 Finalized A Office No-431 (GSR NO. 530 DTD 03.08.2021) 04-Aug-2021

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Group ‘A’(Gazetted) Ministerial Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2021

55 Finalized B GD 575 (GSR NO. 817(E) DTD 08.11.2012) 08-Nov-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

56 Finalized C GD 575 (GSR NO. 817(E) DTD 08.11.2012) 08-Nov-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

57 Finalized B Llibrarian 586 (GSR NO. 817, 818, 819 and 820 dtd 26.08.2016) 26-Aug-2016

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, Pioneer, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) and Inspector (Librarian), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

58 Finalized B Telecom 586 (GSR NO. 817, 818, 819 and 820 dtd 26.08.2016) 26-Aug-2016

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, Pioneer, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) and Inspector (Librarian), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

59 Finalized B Pioneer 586 (GSR NO. 817, 818, 819 and 820 dtd 26.08.2016) 26-Aug-2016

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, Pioneer, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) and Inspector (Librarian), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

60 Finalized B GD 586 (GSR NO. 817, 818, 819 and 820 dtd 26.08.2016) 26-Aug-2016

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, Pioneer, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) and Inspector (Librarian), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

61 Finalized C Telecom 586 (GSR NO. 817, 818, 819 and 820 dtd 26.08.2016) 26-Aug-2016

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, Pioneer, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) and Inspector (Librarian), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

62 Finalized C GD 586 (GSR NO. 817, 818, 819 and 820 dtd 26.08.2016) 26-Aug-2016

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, Pioneer, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) and Inspector (Librarian), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

63 Finalized C Pioneer 586 (GSR NO. 817, 818, 819 and 820 dtd 26.08.2016) 26-Aug-2016

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, Pioneer, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) and Inspector (Librarian), Group 'B' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016

64 Finalized B GD 544 (GSR NO. 712 DTD 23.10.2013) 23-Oct-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

65 Finalized C GD 544 (GSR NO. 712 DTD 23.10.2013) 23-Oct-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

66 Finalized B Telecom 706 (GSR NO. 1019(E) DTD 28.12.2010) 28-Dec-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2010

67 Finalized C Telecom 706 (GSR NO. 1019(E) DTD 28.12.2010) 28-Dec-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2010

68 Finalized B Telecom 258 & 209 (GSR NO. 391 DTD 20.05.2011 AND GSR NO. 354(E) DTD 11.05.2012) 11-May-2012

Notification of corrigendum of Recruitment Rules 2010 of Telecommunication Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

69 Finalized C Telecom 258 & 209 (GSR NO. 391 DTD 20.05.2011 AND GSR NO. 354(E) DTD 11.05.2012) 11-May-2012

Notification of corrigendum of Recruitment Rules 2010 of Telecommunication Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

70 Finalized B Follower GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

71 Finalized B Telecom GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

72 Finalized B AT GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

73 Finalized B Pioneer GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

74 Finalized C Follower GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

75 Finalized C Telecom GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

76 Finalized C AT GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

77 Finalized C Pioneer GSR NO. 265(E), 266(E), 267(E) AND 268(E) DTD 23.04.2013 23-Apr-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Telecommunication, AT, PNR, Tailor, Cobbler and Gardener Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2013

78 Finalized B MT 343 (GSR NO. 475(E) DTD 11.07.2013) 11-Jul-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013

79 Finalized B Motor Mechanic 343 (GSR NO. 475(E) DTD 11.07.2013) 11-Jul-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013

80 Finalized C MT 343 (GSR NO. 475(E) DTD 11.07.2013) 11-Jul-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013

81 Finalized C Motor Mechanic 343 (GSR NO. 475(E) DTD 11.07.2013) 11-Jul-2013

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013

82 Finalized B MT 670 (GSR NO. 893(E) DTD 12.12.2014 12-Dec-2014

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2014

83 Finalized B Motor Mechanic 670 (GSR NO. 893(E) DTD 12.12.2014 12-Dec-2014

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2014

84 Finalized C MT 670 (GSR NO. 893(E) DTD 12.12.2014 12-Dec-2014

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2014

85 Finalized C Motor Mechanic 670 (GSR NO. 893(E) DTD 12.12.2014 12-Dec-2014

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2014

86 Finalized B Pioneer 461 (GSR NO. 686(E) DTD 19.08.2010) 19-Aug-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Pioneer Cadre, Group 'B' and Group 'C' Posts, Recruitment Rules 2010

87 Finalized C Pioneer 461 (GSR NO. 686(E) DTD 19.08.2010) 19-Aug-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Pioneer Cadre, Group 'B' and Group 'C' Posts, Recruitment Rules 2010

88 Finalized A Engineering 178 (GSR NO. 203 DTD 08.03.2019) 08-Mar-2019

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Engineering Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2019

89 Finalized A Edn and Stress Councellor 41 (GSR NO. 60(E) DTD 03.02.2012) 03-Feb-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Deputy Commandant (Education and Stress Counsellor) Group 'A' Posts Recruitment Rules, 2011

90 Finalized A Edn and Stress Councellor 398 (GSR NO. 618(E) DTD 07.08.2012 07-Aug-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Education and Stress Counsellor Cadre (Group 'A', 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

91 Finalized B Edn and Stress Councellor 398 (GSR NO. 618(E) DTD 07.08.2012 07-Aug-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Education and Stress Counsellor Cadre (Group 'A', 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

92 Finalized C Edn and Stress Councellor 398 (GSR NO. 618(E) DTD 07.08.2012 07-Aug-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Education and Stress Counsellor Cadre (Group 'A', 'B' and 'C' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

93 Finalized A Veterinary 589 (GSR NO. 853(E) DTD 22.10.2010) 22-Oct-2010

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Veterinary Cadre (Group 'A' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2010

94 Finalized A Veterinary 171 (GSR NO. 297(E) DTD 17.04.2012) 17-Apr-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Veterinary Cadre Group 'A' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012

95 Finalized A Water Wing 549 (GSR NO. 790(E) DTD 25.10.2012) 25-Oct-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Water Wing (Group 'A' , 'B' and 'C' Technical Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

96 Finalized B Water Wing 549 (GSR NO. 790(E) DTD 25.10.2012) 25-Oct-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Water Wing (Group 'A' , 'B' and 'C' Technical Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

97 Finalized C Water Wing 549 (GSR NO. 790(E) DTD 25.10.2012) 25-Oct-2012

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Water Wing (Group 'A' , 'B' and 'C' Technical Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2012

98 Finalized C Follower 294 (GSR NO. 308(E) DTD 21.04.2022 21-Apr-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Constable (Kitchen Services) Group 'C' Posts Recruitment Rules, 2022

99 Finalized C Pioneer No-650 (GSR No. 799(E) DTD 15.11.2021) 15-Nov-2021

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Pioneer Cadre (Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2021.

100 Finalized C Stenographer 653 (GSR NO. 802(E) DTD 03.11.2021 03-Nov-2021

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant (Ministerial and Stenographer Cadre) Group 'C' Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2021

101 Finalized C GD No-756 (GSR NO. 847(E) DTD 25.11.2022) 25-Nov-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group ‘C’ Posts), Recruitment Rules, 2022.

102 Finalized A Engineering No-377 (GSR NO. 398(E) DTD 26.05.2022) 26-May-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Second-in-Command (Engineer), Group ‘A’ Post, Recruitment Rules, 2022

103 Finalized B Motor Mechanic No-445 (GSR NO. 466(E) DTD 22.06.2022) 22-Jun-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2022

104 Finalized B MT No-445 (GSR NO. 466(E) DTD 22.06.2022) 22-Jun-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2022

105 Finalized C Motor Mechanic No-445 (GSR NO. 466(E) DTD 22.06.2022) 22-Jun-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2022

106 Finalized C MT No-445 (GSR NO. 466(E) DTD 22.06.2022) 22-Jun-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Motor Transport and Motor Mechanic Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2022

107 Finalized A Accounts No-522 (GSR NO. 595(E) DTD 21.07.2022) 22-Jul-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant Accounts Cadre (Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2022.

108 Finalized B Accounts No-522 (GSR NO. 595(E) DTD 21.07.2022) 22-Jul-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Combatant Accounts Cadre (Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2022.

109 Finalized C AT No-523 (GSR NO. 596 (E) DTD 21.07.2022) 22-Jul-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Assistant Sub-Inspector (Animal Transport), Group ‘C’ post Recruitment Rules, 2022

110 Finalized B OL No-772 (GSR NO. 865 (E) DTD 06.12.2022) 06-Dec-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Hindi Translator,  Group ‘B’ Posts, Recruitment (Amendment)   Rules,  2022.

111 Finalized B Engineering No-799 (GSR NO. 896 (E) DTD 21.12.2022) 22-Dec-2022

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Engineering Cadre, Group ‘B’ Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2022.

112 Finalized B Printing Press 26 23-Jan-2023

Distribution of Notification of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Publication and Printing Cadre ,Group 'B' and 'C' Posts ,Recruitment (Amendment) Rules ,2023

113 Finalized C Printing Press 26 23-Jan-2023

Distribution of Notification of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Publication and Printing Cadre ,Group 'B' and 'C' Posts ,Recruitment (Amendment) Rules ,2023

114 Finalized A Legal 23 20-Jan-2023

Distribution of Notification of Indo-Tibetan Border police Force, Additional judge Attorney General (Commandant ) and Senior Deputy judge Attorney General (Second-in-Command), Group A Posts Recruitment Rules ,2023.

115 Finalized A AT 34 01-Feb-2023

Distribution of notification of indo-Tibetan Border police Force ,Animal Transport Cadre Group 'A' (Gazetted) and Group 'B' (Non-gazetted) Posts,Recruitment (Amendment ) Rules, 2023

116 Finalized B AT 34 01-Feb-2023

Distribution of notification of indo-Tibetan Border police Force ,Animal Transport Cadre Group 'A' (Gazetted) and Group 'B' (Non-gazetted) Posts,Recruitment (Amendment ) Rules, 2023

117 Finalized A AT No-57 (GSR NO. 62(E) DTD 30.01.2023) 30-Jan-2023

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Animal Transport Cadre, Group ‘A’ (Gazetted) and Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) Posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2023.

118 Finalized B AT No-57 (GSR NO. 62(E) DTD 30.01.2023) 30-Jan-2023

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Animal Transport Cadre, Group ‘A’ (Gazetted) and Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) Posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2023.

119 Finalized A Legal No-31 (GSR NO. 32 (E) DTD 19.01.2023) 19-Jan-2023

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Additional Judge Attorney General (Commandant), Senior Deputy Judge Attorney General (Second-in-Command), Group ‘A’ Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2023

120 Finalized B Printing Press No-33 (GSR NO. 34 (E) DTD 19.01.2023) 19-Jan-2023

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Publication and Printing Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2023

121 Finalized C Printing Press No-33 (GSR NO. 34 (E) DTD 19.01.2023) 19-Jan-2023

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Publication and Printing Cadre, Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Posts, Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2023

122 Finalized C GD 72 22-Feb-2023

Distribution of Notification of Indo-Tibetan  Border Police Force,General Duty (Group 'C' Posts) Recruitment Amendemnet Rules 2023

123 Draft B Para-Medic UO NOTE NO-1324 10-May-2023

Combatised Para Medical Cadre Group 'B' Recuitment Rules, 2023

124 Draft B Tailor 2427-28 12-Jul-2023

Draft Notification to revise the Recruitment Rules of Tailor Cadre Group 'B' & 'C' Posts 

125 Draft C Tailor 2427-28 12-Jul-2023

Draft Notification to revise the Recruitment Rules of Tailor Cadre Group 'B' & 'C' Posts 

126 Finalized B Veterinary 419 20-Jul-2023

Recruitment Rule of  inspector (Dresser veterinary)Sub-inspector (Dresser veterinary) Inspector (Lab Technician Veterinary), Assistant Sub-Inpector  (Dresser Veterinary), Head Constable (Dresser Veterinary) Head Constable Veterinary Radiographer), Constable Kennelman of Veterinary Cadre 

127 Finalized C Veterinary 419 20-Jul-2023

Recruitment Rule of  inspector (Dresser veterinary)Sub-inspector (Dresser veterinary) Inspector (Lab Technician Veterinary), Assistant Sub-Inpector  (Dresser Veterinary), Head Constable (Dresser Veterinary) Head Constable Veterinary Radiographer), Constable Kennelman of Veterinary Cadre 

128 Finalized A Legal 3330-3429 21-May-2024

Distribution of Notification of Indo-Tibetan Border police Force, Judge Attorney General (Deputy Inspector General) and Deputy Judge Attorney General (Deputy Commandant) Group 'A' Posts, Recruitment Rules, 2024.

129 Finalized B GD 3537-3636 28-May-2024

Distribution of Notification of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group 'B' Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2024.

130 Draft C GD 22-Jul-2024

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, General Duty Cadre (Group ‘C’ Posts) Recruitment (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024.

131 Draft B Armourer - 20-Aug-2024

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Armourer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' posts), Draft Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2024

132 Draft C Armourer - 20-Aug-2024

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Armourer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' posts), Draft Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2024

133 Draft B Armourer - 20-Aug-2024

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Armourer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' posts), Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2024

134 Draft C Armourer - 20-Aug-2024

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, Armourer Cadre (Group 'B' and 'C' posts), Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2024
